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Hamtaro Generation

The Love of New friends

T.W's Here To Stay

Written and created by Taurean

T.W was sitting on the firm branch of an old oak tree watching kids running by.

T.W: I never thought I have so many friends so quickly since I came here, for years I went and grew though my travels with no direction or purpose. I tried to make friends but I could never keep them long. When I met Hamtaro I was afraid he'd be another bump in the road especially when introduced me to all his friends. I was so afraid I didn't I could get over my fear but Hamtaro wouldnt give up on me. Though I was fearful I knew for better or worse I never wanted to be alone by choice and I'm glad I stuck to my discussion.

So please let me keep them please!

Sometime Hamtaro passed by who noticed T.W who by now was sleeping in an abandoned old nest in the oak tree.

Hamtaro: Ticky Ticky hmm! Is someone up there?

T.W: yawns oh I guess I was more tired then I thought oh!

Hamtaro: Oh T.W Hi!

T.W: Oh Hey Hamtaro I was just thinking about you want to come up?

Hamtaro: Just try and stop me! Bada Bada Bada Bada

Hamtaro raced up the oak tree and T.W was pretending to stop him and lightly crashed into him.

T.W: Well you got me. (Laughs cheerfully)

Hamtaro: Guess so (both laugh together)

Hamtaro: So What've you been thinking about.

T.W: A lot about you, all my new friends, where the heck I'm gonna stay! (Sighs)

Hamtaro thought over his friend's dilemma wondering what to do when he came to a solution.

Hamtaro: You know we did build the fun park ourselves...

Maybe we could build you a place to stay!

T.W: That's very kind of you but I couldnt impose such a strenuous project.

Hamtaro: It wouldn't be that strenuous if we all worked together your are friend so we should help each other.

T.W: Are you sure the others wouldnt mind?

Hamtaro: You kidding they'll be all over this

Awhile later they set off the clubhouse to pitch the idea to the ham hams which didn't go over well.

Everyone: Build a house!

Hamtaro: That's right a house for our new friend.

Pashmina: How are we supposed to do that? It seems like quite an undertaking

Panda: It might not be after all we did build our fun park fairly easily as well as we set up the clubhouse If we work out the right plans we could make happen.

Boss: It seems too much work for just us count me out.

Hamtaro: Come on Boss we need you, T.W is counting on us!

Oxnard: We need your muscle.

T.W: Boss if you help me I could make more that food you enjoy so much (winks) Please?

(Boss blushes intensely with hunger)

Boss: Well since you put it that way... What are we waiting for come on hams we got to get building!

Hamtaro: That's the spirit! Come on let's get building!

A few hours passed as Panda and T.W went over the measurement materials and overall design while Oxnard and Boss collected the logs and rocks.

Oxnard: Bada... bada... bada... bada all this heavy lifting and loading is making me both hungry and existed.

Boss: Tell me about it but I suppose it's worth it to help a friend out

(Thinking) as well as the tempting delights I'm getting in return.

While Boss drools in the background Oxnard justs shakes off his hunger and trots on until they reach the construction site.

Hamtaro: Boss and Oxnard are back now we get building.

T.W: Not quite we still need a few more things.... Where are Sandy and Pashmina with the kindling, moss, and bamboo stems?

Meanwhile at a nearby creek.

Sandy: Like do we have enough of this stuff or what girlfriend? My paws are getting slimy!

Pashmina: According to T.W's list all we now is bamboo stems and there are some over there (points to a nearby pond)

Sandy: Um could you get them girlfriend I've like got my paws full right now.

Meanwhile Dexter and Howdy passed by and herd everything Dexter Briskly towards Pashmina

Dexter: Hello my Pashmina could you use some help

Pashmina: Thanks for offering but.

Before she could finish Howdy pushes Dexter aside

Howdy: I could help ya instead we country folk always depend on the kindness of pretty girls

Dexter: Since when do you know Shakespeare and it's the kindness of strangers.

Howdy: Who's Shakespeare? That was me all the way!

Dexter: Yeah right!

Just then Sandy comes by.

Sandy: Since you two want to be of help take these.

She hands the puzzled Howdy and Dexter what she was holding.

Sandy: Thanks guys I'm glad you came along I thought my paws were gonna fall off come Pashmina we don't want to keep the others waiting too long.

By this time Pashmina collected all the stems she needed

Pashmina: Right behind you see you guys later

As they set off Howdy and Dexter both sigh and brace up for the trip back.

After awhile they had everything they needed and started building

Oxnard: Pass me another board

Panda: Here it comes!

Oxnard hammered the boards in place while Panda sawed and sandpaper the log into smooth boards.

Pashmina and Penelope mixed the plaster made with powder rocks, water, and cement.

Penelope vigorously stirs with a stick

Penelope: Okwee... Okwee... ookwee

Pashmina: Is it ready?

Penelope gives a paws up.

Penelope: Okwee! Oh... and passes out.

Hamtaro and Howdy worked on the first of the double layer roof

Hamtaro: We need more moss and plaster.

Howdy: Be right back.

While that was going on T.W and Boss were working on the inside.

T.W: Ok we break an opening here

Boss: Right. Both start to dig.

Both: Diggi duggi diggi duggi diggi duggi di...

A few days later and the end result was a finely crafted house.

T.W: Well we finally did my home is finally a complete thanks to all of you!

Hamtaro: We were glad to help

Boss: Yep now about those treats

Everyone: Boss!

T.W: It's all right I made that promise and I plan to keep follow me

So everyone went to the other side of the house

T.W: Panda and I worked this little surprise for everyone. Everyone close your eyes... All eyes were closed

T.W unveiled his surprise

T.W: Surprise!

Hamtaro: Wow! Is that ever cool!

T.W: In exchange for helping me and because I love to cook I've rigged up a restaurant in the back of my house so I can cook for myself and for all of you.


Everyone was still in shock.

T.W: I hearby declare the Ham-Ham Cafe is ready for business as prior to my grand opening and since were all friends everyone eats free!

Everyone: Yea let's eat!

Everyone had a great time at the feast but no one had a better time then T.W he now had a new home and new friends to share it with.

T.W: I've never been so happy I think I'll like it here.


Preview of next episode.

T.W: I've only been here a few days and already I've hit my first speed bump. Boss asked for my help to make Bijou a special dessert she loved it but he took all the credit by saying the recipe was his own how can I ever trust Boss again?




T.W: Next Time Boss's Dessert Disaster T.W's Enraged wrath

See ya Soon!

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